Thermoclear RF Spot Removal

ThermoClear – Treatment of Epidermal Skin Imperfections
$75+ | Consultation is Required
Thermoclear has the latest in technology, utilizing both low radio frequency (RF) and high radio frequency (RF). The procedure is a non-laser that treats skin irregularities in the epidermis using an electrocautery system. Thermoclear removes imperfections rapidly with little downtime and minimal pain.
Results are Instant & Long Lasting
Skin Irregularities can be eliminated from face, neck, arms, hands, chest and back.
- Skin Tags
- Cherry Angiomas
- Sebaceous Hyperplasias
- Sun Spots/Age Spots
- Fibromas
- Broken Red Capillaries (Telangiectasia)
- Milia
- Cholesterol Deposits
- Keratosis
Post-procedure instructions will be provided at appointment.